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Request URL(POST):

Version API Endpoint

Request Method


  1. User-Token: This is a user-specific key which can be obtained from the main page.
  2. Content-Type: This should always be set to application/json.
  3. Developer-Id: This is an optional field. For developers, the ID can be fetched from the invite link on the user main page. For example, from the link xxx/register?c=abcdef, the developer ID is abcdef.


The following table details the JSON attributes that should be included in the POST request:

Parameter Type Description Required
href String The URL of the page that triggered the Akamai verification. Yes
api String Akamai’s endpoint for submitting sensor data. This endpoint can change over time. No
telemetry Boolean Indicates whether the telemetry parameter in headers is for verification, e.g., interface’s akamai-bm-telemetry. Defaults to false. No
cookies Object Contains the cookie values returned when requesting the href. If api is provided, this field is mandatory. No
device String Defines the device fingerprint type used in the request flow. Values can be “pc” or “mobile”. Defaults to “mobile”. No
internal Boolean Specifies whether the verification process uses a domestic proxy. Defaults to true. No

Under the cookies object:

Parameter Type Description Required
value String/Object Can be in string format or key-value pairs. Must include _abck and bm_sz. No
uri String Usage address for cookies. This is typically the same as href. No

Response Data (JSON):

For the case where the submission is true (submit=true):

Parameter Type Description
status Integer Indicates if the call was successful. 1 for success, 0 for failure.
msg String Descriptive message in Chinese indicating the result of the call.
id String Unique ID for the request, useful for subsequent query records.
data._abck String Returns the valid _abck cookie when verification passes.
cost String Time taken for verification, in milliseconds.

A successful response example:

	"status": 1,
	"msg": "验证通过",
	"id": "8a8f0778-da09-4eea-a32d-e3b508654ba6",
	"cost": "1984.57ms",
	"data": {
		"_abck": "2EDD22DB758F24695963..."

Use Cases:

The API seems to be designed for multiple use cases, including:

  1. Basic URL Verification: Just sending the href to check if it triggers an Akamai challenge.
  2. Detailed Verification with Cookies: Submitting href along with cookies obtained from the previous response. This might be needed if the Akamai challenge changes its API endpoint frequently.
  3. Device-Specific Verification: By specifying the device type, users can get responses as they would appear on mobile or PC devices.
  4. Telemetry Verification: Some services, like Maersk, might have a different type of Akamai challenge that involves telemetry.

In practice, users would likely start with the basic URL verification, and if that fails or if they need a more specific kind of verification, they’d include additional parameters in the request.