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Score description

🚨🚨🚨 If you get a value but the site validation does not pass please contact the administrator

Request URL (POST):

Version API Endpoint

Request Headers:

Parameter Name Description Required
User-Token User secret key, obtained from the homepage Yes
Content-Type application/json Yes
Developer-Id Developer ID, used by developer users. It's the string from the user's homepage invite link (e.g., if it's xxx/register?c=abcdef, then abcdef is the developer ID) No


Parameter Name Type Description Required
sitekey String hcaptcha integration key Yes
referer String 🚨🚨🚨 Trigger page address. ✅Please copy the full address displayed on the browser✅. Do not alter it, and definitely don't search for it in developer tools❌. Yes
rqdata String If the captcha configuration interface returns captcha_rqdata or captcha_rqtoken, please carry this value (e.g., for adding channels on discord) No
domain String hcaptcha's verification API domain (like getcaptcha/checkcaptcha etc.), some sites have different verification domains. The default is No
proxy String If needed, pass ip:port or usr:pwd@ip:port or socks5://ip:port (contact the administrator if there are any issues) No
region String When passing the proxy parameter, please pass the region of the proxy, e.g., hk, sg No
invisible Boolean Whether the click box can be seen when the verification code is triggered (or whether the verification code is not sensed) Default is false No
need_ekey Boolean Do you need to return E0 ey…. Defaults to false No

JSON Examples

(Provided JSON samples are translated as per the above table)

Response Data (JSON):

Submitting Verification (submit=true)

Parameter Name Type Description
status Integer Whether the call was successful, 1 for success, 0 for failure. Use this value to judge
msg String Chinese description of the result
id String The unique request ID for this particular request (can be used for subsequent record queries)
data.generated_pass_UUID String UUID (like P1_xxx/F1_xxx) certificate returned after verification success, can be used in subsequent verification interface
data.ekey String Key (like E0_xxx) returned after verification success, can be used in subsequent verification interface
cost String Verification time taken (in milliseconds)

(Provided JSON response sample is translated as per the above table)

CURL command:

(The CURL command is mostly technical and doesn’t require translation except for some comments)

Implementation Example


pip install -U pynocaptcha -i
from pynocaptcha import HcaptchaCracker

cracker = HcaptchaCracker(
ret = cracker.crack()