
Here’s the translation:

Back to homepage 中文文档

Incapsula ( __utmvc )

Frequently Asked Questions

Request URL (POST):

Version Interface URL

Request Headers:

Parameter Name Description Required
User-Token User secret key, obtained from the main page Yes
Content-Type application/json Yes
Developer-Id Developer ID, used by the developer account, the string from the main page invite link (e.g. xxx/register?c=abcdef, then abcdef is the Developer ID) No


Parameter Name Type Description Required
cookies Object Cookies returned from the homepage, upload all Yes
href String URL that returns the utmvc script Yes
user_agent String utmvc process requires consistent ua, so please provide the ua you will use Yes
script String the response of request href Yes

json example

// … (No need to translate JSON data)

Response Data (JSON):

Parameter Name Type Description
status Integer Whether the call was successful, 1 for success, 0 for failure, use this value for judgment
msg String Description of the call result in Chinese
id String Unique request id for this instance, can be used for subsequent record queries
data.__utmvc String Computed __utmvc parameter, can be used in subsequent interfaces
cost String Validation time (in milliseconds)

// … (No need to translate JSON data)

CURL command

// … (No need to translate CURL commands)

Invocation example


pip install -U pynocaptcha -i
from pynocaptcha import IncapsulaUtmvcCracker

cracker = IncapsulaUtmvcCracker(
    script="the response of request href",
    cookies={ 'incap_ses_406_2314793': 'w399Tycs8xhdpuG+aWeiBWGkYWQAAAAAKCTf+jt4Sq4R0xN0pU9VXA==', 'visid_incap_2314793': 'DVtB0J4PRoG+jHdSiyyjNWKkYWQAAAAAQUIPAAAAAABY5A3D8V2Yp2rCf0Qol0Kd' },
    user_agent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36"
ret = cracker.crack()